Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Thanks

Okay, I'd like to make a little PSA:

Armed Forces Day is to honor the currently serving.
Memorial Day is to honor the fallen.
Veterans Day is to honor those that have served in the past.

With that out of the way, I'd like to make a bit of an announcement.  I keep seeing memes that say "Don't thank someone for their service on Memorial Day."  While I understand that they are trying to make the distinction apparent, I have a bit of a problem with that.  Why?  Because I make it a habit to thank them every day of the year.  Allow me to explain....

I think that our military is such an absolutely essential part of our country.  They make tremendous sacrifices.  Their families make sacrifices at home.  Our servicemen put their lives on the line daily to defend our freedom.

Why would I NOT thank them every day of the year?

While I understand what our focus should be on today, I have no intention of not thanking someone who has served on this day just because others have fallen.  Their service is still important to me and I am still thankful.  While my focus, today, will be on the lives lost defending our freedom and remembering them as well as honoring them, I will continue to be thankful for those that continue to fight as well.  It's a daily gratitude for me.

So to the families of those that have been lost, thank you.  We honor your precious loved ones today (and always) and we are so grateful for them.  The sacrifices they made are why we are free today and we have no words to describe our sorrow for you but our grateful, grateful hearts.

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