Monday, January 18, 2016

Aaron Rodgers Coin Toss Debaucle

Having grown up in Chicago, I was raised to hate the Packers.  That said, I have a general rule about respecting players even if I hate their teams...which is why I hate Aaron Rodgers whining about the coin toss.  Aaron Rodgers is an incredible player.  In fact, complete disclosure, he was my Fantasy Football quarterback and led my team to the Fantasy Bowl for a win.  There are a number of incredible players on the Packers team, in general.  The game this weekend had some incredible plays and that hail mary....holy crap!  That's why I don't understand the whining.

I get it.  It's frustrating when your team loses.  It's frustrating when you lose in over time.  It's frustrating when you worked so hard all season.  I get it.  I do.  The Packers had a pretty amazing season and they played hard.  They are an all-go no play team 99% of the time and I have a lot of respect for them as a team (even if I loathe them because of my upbringing).  After the bitch fest earlier this season, I thought this whining was over.  Now it's whining about the coin not flipping in the air.  Let me ask you this: would he have still complained had it gone in his favor?  Not a chance.  It's an excuse.  He NEEDS no excuse because half of a football game is opportunity.

So Aaron Rodgers, keep your chin up.  Be classy about this.  No more whining about a coin toss.  You played hard and all of us know how amazing you are...the best of the best, man.  There's always next season.

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