Thursday, January 21, 2016

Open Letter About the Phrase "I'll Pray for You"

Dear Non-Christian,

Please don't take it personally or get defensive when I say "I'll pray for you."  If I'm saying it, I mean it.  If you don't believe in God, that's fine.  You don't need to believe in God for me to pray.  My saying this isn't intentionally anything but a desire to let you know that you will be on my heart.  It's similar to someone saying, "I'll send some good vibes your way" or "I'll be thinking of you."  It just happens that mine means I'll be talking to God and asking for Him to protect you.  I will not push my beliefs off on you before, during or after saying this.  I will not expect you to even thank me.  That's not what me praying is about.  I do not want some sort of recognition or glory (in fact, prayer is about giving glory to God) but please don't be offended if the prayer is answered and I say, "Praise God." It's the equivalent of a non-Christian saying, "that's awesome" or "woo hoo."  You see, you and I can believe different things and we don't have to argue with each other.  We can just accept that we see things differently and be glad that we live in a nation where we are free to do so. 



Dear Christian,

Please don't take it personally or get defensive when a Non-Christian is offended by you bringing up your faith.  Understand that while you, personally, may not have pushed your beliefs on them, they have probably received lectures on why they should believe what you believe.  While you may have good intentions, they have probably been bombarded with religious speech and told they're "going to hell" (or had it inferred with the ever-famous, "Well I know where I'M going).  They aren't trying to outwardly be ugly to you (most of the time).  On the contrary, they are putting up their barriers for someone to argue aggressively to them why they need to change their belief system.  Instead of giving them a lecture, leave it at praying for them and love them right where they're at.  If God intends to change that, HE will change their heart.  If God needs you to work on his behalf, HE will handle the timing.  Don't force it.  You see you and they can believe different things without arguing.  You can just accept that you see things differently and be glad that we live in a nation where we are free to do so.


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