Sunday, January 3, 2016


Everyone is busy making resolutions right now and the simple fact is that a whole lot of resolutions don't stick and with good reason.  The reason that everyone tries to jump in with both feet and no life jacket.  You go in with no swimming lessons and a good portion of people go in with weights on their ankles.  In other words, you're heading into a resolution without a plan.  Reaching a goal is seldom able to be achieved while flying by the seat of your pants. 

I'd like to offer a simple piece of advice that applies to more than just resolutions: just take it one day at a time.  Set small achievable goals that will help you achieve your larger goal.  For instance, if your goal is to lose weight, set a goal weight/size and then small achievable goals with rewards.  Every time you reach a goal, set up a reward.  Instead of trying to only eat healthy food with no treats at all, set realistic goals and understand that flexibility may be required.

The goals I've heard most commonly are to (1) lose weight, (2) get out of debt and (3) exercise more.  There will be loads of penny pinching, gym goers and produce being bought for the first month but it will start to wane off.  It seems that people get so caught up in their goals that they think if they have bad days, they've failed.  You haven't failed until you give up.  Keep plugging away.  Keep working toward your goal.  Reward.  Surround yourself with people that encourage you and know that you CAN do it.  You're stronger than you know.  You're tougher than you think and you're capable of more than you can imagine.  Keep your chin up.

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