Monday, January 11, 2016

Nicki vs Farrah....I can't believe I even read up on this

If ever you start to wonder about the level of intelligence you have, look up the twitter fight that just took place between Farrah Abraham and Nicki Minaj.  I'm not usually very up to date on celebrity malarkey but this was a trending topic and drew my attention more than whose gown was black or red or yellow from an awards ceremony.  What it comes down to is this: Nicki called out Farrah for being disrespectful to her mom.  Farrah lashed out at Nicki with a variety of comments, not the least of which is that her videos look like pornos.  Meanwhile, Farrah has made a good portion of her fortune through pornos and sex toys.  Hi pot, I'm the great big slutty kettle.

I've taken issue with Farrah for awhile now based on several qualities.  1-She's constantly pawning her child off on her family to "work." I have witnessed enough celebrity stories to know that you can network, as a celebrity, and still bring your kids.  There are a number of high profile celebrities who manage just fine. 

She's a disrespectful twit to her mother.  It's one thing to not get along with your mother and I fully understand that we only see what they want you to see.  However, what little I've watched of this show has shown her to be completely disrespectful, entitled and rude.  Is it partly her parents fault for raising her that way?  Sure.  Does that mean she needs to continue that as an adult (and I use that term loosely seeing as she behaves like a 16 year old still)?  Nope.

She seems to treat her child like a convenience tool/money maker.  She seems to flaunt her child when it helps to make her money and then turns around and ignores her otherwise (as mentioned above).  It was one thing to be featured on a show about teenage pregnancy to raise "awareness" but she is, at this point, trying to live out some celebrity dream instead of caring for her child. 

Most of all, though, my issue takes point with the fact that she has made herself into a joke.  If you look at some of the other teen moms, they've chosen to move on and pursue greater things.  They made money doing the show and are now making money working and doing actual jobs.  They're buying houses and having more children and building lives.  Farrah has chosen to star in sex tapes, create sex toys and has destroyed her body and face with cosmetic surgery to destroy what used to be a beautiful girl.  I just can't back that when she had an opportunity to do something better with her life. 

So rock on Nicki Minaj.  I may not always agree with what she says but she is dead on here.  Farrah needs to grow up and realize that she needs to build a real life with her child as the center and stop treating her mother like a second glance.

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