Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Everyone is buzzing about what they'd do if they won the lottery.  Your chances are so minimal but it's almost a given to play when it's over a billion dollars.  My response is always that I have no idea how in the world I'd spend all the money.  In fact, I wouldn't spend it all. I can't think of anyone I know that COULD spend ALL of it.  So if I won, this would be my lottery bucket list....

1.  Buy a house in my same school zone-- Yes that's right.  I wouldn't want to move to the beach.  I'd want to buy a house big enough to give my kids each their own bedroom and craft.  I'd want a garage big enough to have a workshop and a yard big enough to let my kids play football in the yard.  It doesn't have to be an outrageously huge house.  3 baths would be nice.

2.  Pay off any and all debt I have. 

3.  Buy a couple of cars, again nothing over the top.  A big truck with 4WD and a tow package.  A 4WD Tahoe with a tow package.  Maybe a car that I could play on and fix up like an old Camaro.

4.  Buy some property or a cabin that we could use for cabin.  It doesn't have to be anything big at all.  Just somewhere we can camp and have fun.

5.  Book a really kickass Orlando vacation for my family.  I just want to do this one time so go big or go home.

6.  Rescue some animals and get a couple of bulldog pups

7. Donate at least $100,000 per charity to my favorite charities.

8.  Set myself up with a salary to work from home where I get a monthly amount.

9.  Give my nearest a dearest a little something.

10.  Invest the rest.

Boring?  Perhaps. I just don't believe in having an extravagant house or car that I don't need.  It's just not my thing. Good luck to all playing.  As the Hunger Games say, "May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor."

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