Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Educate Yourself and Vote

In this election year, I want to take a moment to discuss what I view as the most important factor in the voting process: educating yourself.  I, personally, am an independent voter.  Quite honestly, I feel that both parties are relatively corrupt at this point and that they are spending more time trying to advance their own agendas than worrying about the state of our country.  With that being said, I'm not going to take this opportunity to promote a specific candidate.  I'm not going to tell you the pros and cons of a specific party or why someone's ideas are nonsense.  That's not what this post is about.  What I'm going to tell you is that voting IS important.  If you've been led to believe that it isn't, read about it.  Read about how you can truly affect the nation and how one voice, one vote can be combined into millions and change the state of our country that is currently struggling so hard.  What I'm going to tell you is that you need to read up.  Don't just read articles from one mainstream media site but read all different perspectives.  The media spins things so severely that it's hard to get any real information.  Read, read and read some more about what these candidates have done, are planning to do, believe in and so on.  Look at all different news sources and read the opinions of those talking about the topics, even if you don't agree.  Get as many perspectives as you can and then MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION!  Educate yourself on how you want our country to look and find the candidate that matches most closely.  Don't just look at the promises they're making but look at how they can achieve them, what kind of money will be spent and how that will affect you.  Remember that nothing is free so ask the questions that need to be asked...how is this going to be paid for and how will this affect our economy and my tax dollars.  Look at the big picture and how other countries are working under similarly-viewed individuals.  Educate yourself fully and then make a choice.  Let's make our country great again!

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