Saturday, January 30, 2016

Baths Aren't Fun for Moms

Baths in my house aren't any fun, at least not for me.  My choice to indulge in a "peaceful bubble bath" is a cruel joke almost every time.  I'm sure most mothers can relate.  In fact, I'm sure there are some reading this, raising their hands and praising that someone can identify.  For those with no children, let me paint you a picture of what it's like.....

The minute you close the door, anyone that is able to walk has a tiny silent alarm sounded.  They, now, know that it's "go time."  It's time for them to stop whatever they're doing right this second and rush to the door.  Depending on their age, they might stick their fingers under the door or knock but it happens...every....single..time.

If you make it past the initial door closing without interruption, you now have to run the water.  Likely the water isn't warm because you've spent all night giving kids baths, doing dishes and washing laundry.  Maybe the tub is dirty because you've spent the night scrubbing muddy toddlers.  Nonetheless, you run the water and climb into the tub.

If you've made it this far, you have experienced a true miracle.  Now comes the fun part.  There will be  no less than thirty seven knocks on the door to ask questions that are not at all relevant.  It doesn't matter if there's another adult in the house.  It doesn't matter if you thought the kids were asleep.  Somehow, some way, you will have no ability to enjoy your bath.

After you've had the thirty seventh question (if not before), you'll conclude that it's impossible to relax and get out of the tub, more tense than ever and not even soaked enough to prune up.  You'll completely skip the lotion you religiously apply to the toddler in your life and throw on your pajamas that are now half sticking to you because you didn't have time to dry off.

Then you open the door kids.  It's like whatever need they had was fixed the minute your feet hit the tile floor by the bathroom door.  They're now silent, happy and involved in their own activities. 

And THAT is why baths are not fun for moms.  Think of it this way...someday you will think the house is TOO quiet.

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