Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Where Are the Tears for MS?

There was a fire last night in Denver. A man in his 40s who had MS was inside the house and was confined to his bed.  Neighbors rushed over to try to help him out.  1 firefighter, 3 neighbors and the elderly couple living in the house (the parents of the man with MS) were all taken to the hospital to be treated.  What a devastating's heart breaking.

As I watched the news story this morning, I experienced a range of emotion from anger to sadness and everything in between.  The President gave a State of the Union last night and gave us a whole speech on how he had done all of these great things.  My opinion is extremely different but all that echoes in my mind, is what greatness did you do?  You forced Obamacare on us and made health care outrageously priced.  You claimed that it would help us to get better quality health care and to have everyone covered.  But you lied, Mr President. The quality of health care is no better.  You have made medication prices soar because of your plan.  It was a lovely concept with awful, rushed execution and you wrapped an outrageous amount of political bullshit in with the bill.

What about those affected with diseases like MS?  What have you done to help THEM?  What have you done to assist their families in being able to help them more?  Have you made medications more affordable for them?  No.  Have you fought to even try?  No.  Have you fought for more research to be done instead of wasting money on ridiculous studies?  No.  While you tout how health is important and your wife changes the school lunch program, why are you not encouraging studies on these diseases so we can find out more about what might cause them, how to treat them, and maybe even find a cure?   While you tout how we need to accept immigrants that we know nothing about, why are you not taking care of the citizens of this country and trying to help them be the healthiest they can be by encouraging cures for these diseases? While you tell me that I shouldn't be upset that you want to fund abortions (and yes, I know the general public is told that the federal government doesn't fund abortion), you're not working to fund cures for diseases of people that often work their asses off just to pay for the medications to treat their illness. If you want to fund something, let's fund research on these diseases.

You cry, Mr President, over the deaths of children by the hands of a gun and I agree.  How sad.  How devastating.  But Mr President, guns didn't cause those deaths, the people handling them did.  Where are your tears for the people affected by these debilitating diseases?  While we know that the holders of guns cause the deaths of those killed, we have no idea what causes these diseases.  Where are your tears for those who don't know what they'll wake up to each morning?  One day their legs won't work or they won't be able to see or they lose the ability to hold their bladder.  Where are your tears for them? 

My anger stems straight from the heart.  If you want to leave behind a legacy, Mr President, leave behind a legacy where you fought to encourage scientists to find cures for diseases.  Stop running studies to tell me how obese we are and start funding studies to tell me how we are going to treat the symptoms of these awful diseases.  Stop going golfing and start walking in these awareness walks for diseases that remain silent killers for so many.  Do something that no one can argue with to help our nation get healthy in a real way and improve the lives of so many.  Your legacy is a joke, Mr President.  Spend your last year doing something that isn't.

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