Friday, January 15, 2016

Ignore It

There is a whole lot of knowledge that can be attained from quotes we were told as children.  Today's little nugget of advice from my childhood (and, I'm sure, before) is "Ignore someone who's annoying you.  When they stop getting a reaction, they'll stop bugging you."  It's a completely true piece of advice and a simple remedy to a frustrating problem.  I want to take this one step further, though.  I'd like to compare this to stupid celebrity stories.

There are a few celebrities that just drive me bonkers.  Just seeing their names come up in the news makes me develop a wicked twitch of frustration that anyone could possibly be that dumb.  There is a specific, highly publicized family of mostly girls and one who has recently become a girl, that makes me want to scream every time they're mentioned.  With that said, they make great click bait.  *Sigh* And to think it all started with a sex tape. *eye roll*

That said, I view their names the same way that the aforementioned advice says: ignore them.  That's right, I don't click on things that say their names.  I won't contribute to their paychecks.  They make enough money from their clothing line and other ridiculous over priced items that people buy.  I find that some people click to read an article on them just to criticize.  You'll find them trolling the comments section being bombarded by fans saying, "Why did you come here?"  The fans and I may disagree on whether or not these mindless plastic wannabe talents (and there is literally only ONE of them that I think has a degree of talent and she mostly tries to avoid the media raucous) are deserving of anyone's time but we definitely agree on the trolling.  Why bother going to a comment section just to tear them down? If you don't like them, don't click.

I've explained this in other posts, as well.  If you don't want to see something in the media, ignore it.  Clicking on it gives the advertisers and websites the idea that you want to read about it.  When they stop getting clicks on that topic, they will move on.  When magazines stop having you buy their cover stories, they'll stop putting them on the cover.  When people stop watching them on TV, they'll stop showing them.  You see, THAT'S how the media works.  Ignore them and they'll soon be a distant memory.

Until then, let me give you one last nugget on the topic: this, too, applies to political candidates.  You don't have to like or agree with a political candidate but you are making a serious mistake if you keep posting "look at this jackass" articles on social media.  You are actually giving this person a curiosity to read an article which they will then pass on.  You may not agree with the candidate but you are only increasing their popularity by posting on them. Educate YOURSELF but don't give the candidates you loathe more oomph.

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