Sunday, February 14, 2016

5 Tips to Giving Your Lady a Great Valentine's

Men are convinced that women are complicated.  For the most part, I think they might be right.  But today, Valentine's Day, let me give you five little pointers on how to please them regardless....

1.  Show appreciation.  I don't care if it's feigned.  Show appreciation.  If your wife is a stay at home mom, let her know you appreciate her holding down the fort.  If she's a working mom, let her know that you appreciate how hard she kicks butt at work and home.  If she's not a mom yet, just let her know how beautiful and wonderful she is to you.  However you do it, show her that you appreciate her.

2.  Tell her you love her.  I know, I know.  You probably say it all the time.  The fact remains, women love to hear it.  They love to be reminded that they're special to you.

3.  Tell her she's beautiful.  You don't have to use the word "beautiful" but use a word that's specific to how you feel about her as a woman.  For some, that might be "sexy" or "gorgeous."  Whatever the word is, tell her that she's beautiful.

4.  Kiss her.  It sounds simple but it's true.  Kiss her the way you kissed her for the first time.  Let her know that she still makes your heart skip a beat like she did back then.

5.  Recognize Valentine's.  You don't have to buy something.  You don't have to do something crazy but recognize it, even if she says she doesn't want you to.  She may roll her eyes.  She may half ignore it but she's taking note and she will pay you back in spades.

Have a great Valentine's Day.

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