Thursday, February 11, 2016

To the Dog Owner That Invited Me to Their Dog Party

Dear Dog Owner that sent me an invite for a doggy birthday party:

Okay, I get it.  Your dog is your baby.  Believe me, I get it.  Every time I enter a pet store, shelter, or see an animal of almost any type, I'm smitten.  I have been known to sit and talk to the bearded lizards at the pet store because I think they want to come home with me. My frogs were my babies.  My cat is my love.  I get your "obsession" and I think it's amazing.  Our pets are our family, aren't they?

Let's get real for a second, though.  You're kind of a dick.  You're very judgmental and in people's faces about a whole lot of issues.  You're like the snooty granola mom who shames the mom who can't breast feed.  While I respect your love for your fur baby, your opinion is not the only one.  While I accept and think it's great (for you) that you buy it cute little sweaters so you can dress alike, it's not for everyone.  While I love that you're excited about the thousands of Facebook pictures of your precious pup sleeping in different positions and different locations, it's more exciting to you than it is to the rest of us.  What I'm trying to point out is that you feel very differently than the rest of us and that's okay.  We're made to have different opinions and viewpoints.  That brings me to my point, though.

I've seen and heard you, more than once, verbally attack people who have bought purebred animals.  I totally understand that that are some really bad breeders out there that run puppy mills and abuse these animals and this DOES need to be stopped.  I also know that there are millions of shelter animals worldwide that need homes.  What you're seeming to overlook are the breeders that are actually amazing people.  They love animals just as much as you do and they treat their animals like little kings and queens.  They're more choosy about homes than the average shelter and, most, even require home visits and such.  Not all breeders are bad people.  In fact, I'd say a good majority are really nice people who are making sure that there IS a safe option.  They are animal advocates too, you see.

Your judgmental attitude wears on my nerves because you act as if it is a crime to purchase one of these dogs instead of a shelter dog.  To me (since you refer to your babies as your children), it's the equivalent of being judgmental that someone wants to have a biological child as opposed to adopting.  Frankly, you're kind of a dick about it and you're judging people that you barely even know.  You are, in fact, turning people off to even listening to your opinions simply by the attitude you convey them with.  You're attempting to use shame as your tool and it's just not okay.  It's not helpful and you're hurting your cause.

So I politely decline your invitation.  While I'd love to watch a room full of equally exuberant owners take pictures of their dogs in party hats with your dog, I'm not advocating your bad attitude.  When you can take a deep breath and realize that we're all in this together, even if we make different choices, I'll wrap a pretty doggy present with a big red bow and marvel as your precious pooch opens it.  Until then, I'll just watch from afar, thankful that your little angel has a great home and owner that loves him....even if they're kind of a dick.


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