Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wearing Your Baby

There is a new trend (well, it's much more trendy anyway) to "wear your baby."  Essentially you buy a wrap (Moby wraps are popular as are many more) and you just wear your baby around as you go through your daily activities.  It can go all the way up through toddlers and, in some cases, preschoolers.  It frees up your hands and it's a way to connect with your babies.  So where do I stand on this?

It's not what I chose when I had my kids.  More than anything, it had to do with uncomfortable wraps and carriers for such big babies on my small frame.  It was more painful for me to use a carrier than it was to just go ahead and carry them normally or put them down.  I ended up with tendonitis in my elbows from holding them.  I also believed in teaching them to self entertain and self soothe so I was inclined to give them a little bit of floor time every day and so on.  I only say that to say this:

As with most other things, I think that the studies can be skewed.  I don't think your baby will turn out any better connected to people on a social level, smarter, or well adjusted from wearing them.  I also don't think they will turn out any less of any of those things.  In fact, I think that most of those things depend on your parenting style and the child's individual personality.  What I DO think is that it is a very neat and convenient way to be able to be close to your baby and keep your hands free.  What I DO think is that it is a great way to bond with your baby.  What I DO think is that it's something I probably would have done had there been a wide variety of more comfortable wraps when mine were smaller.

To the baby wearing moms out there, I give you a big thumbs up.  I'm always trying to advocate doing whatever you feel is best for your baby.  I think this is a fantastic new trend and I love to see moms excited about connecting with their babies in a new way.

To all of the moms of infants, keep your chin up.  You're doing great.  Being a mom can be a challenge on a daily basis.  Pick what works best for you and keep plugging away.  It goes by in the blink of an eye but you will look back and know that all of the doubts you had were really just you wanting to do the best for your family.  Keep going, kid! You're doing awesome!

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