Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Ear Infections and Meds

There's very few feelings as awful as feeling helpless. My youngest has an ear infection (and sinus infection) and I feel completely helpless.  Even with prescription meds, the first couple days are absolutely awful when a kid has an ear infection.    Truly, truly awful.

The nurse was absolutely stunned that a child as old as Syd hadn't had antibiotics in years, if ever.  My reasoning is simple: I don't like antibiotics or any prescription med unless it's absolutely necessary.  Why?  I feel like prescription drugs are a slippery slope.  Antibiotics do your immune system's job for you so, in my opinion, you end up sick again right after in a whole lot of cases.  Realistically, most people's immune systems are built to fight off most illnesses.  With the right encouragement (plenty of natural ways to do it), a healthy diet and exercise, along with drinking plenty of water, most people's bodies can take on the world.

I have a hard time putting my kids (who are fed a healthy diet, get up and run around like crazy and drink A TON of water) on regular medications.  I am all for using them when it's absolutely necessary but I hate giving them medications, prescription or over the counter.  Because of that, their immune systems are crazy potent and they have scarcely EVER been to a sick visit at the doctor.

My suggestion is to really research the prescription drugs your family is prescribed by your doctor.  Truly look into the side effects.  Read up on what medicines those side effects might require.  Educate yourself on whether or not the side effects are worth it.  Look into alternative options.  Then decide what's best for your family

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