Monday, February 29, 2016

Douche Nugget on the Highway

Dear Angry Douche Nugget on the Highway:

Okay, I get that there's traffic.  I really do.  I get that the traffic is awful and that's it's frustrating.  I know that you have places to be...but so do the rest of the drivers on the road.  I watched you this morning as the cars were trying to merge.  I watched you drive slowly, giving them that hope that you'd let them in and then speed up and nearly run them off the road.  I watched you drive incredibly slow right afterwards to allow them to get close to you on the road and then speed up again when they turned on their blinker to pass you.  I saw it happen.

Let me tell you something you may not know....we all have places to be.  We all are just trying to get there safely.  If you want to speed up to get in front of those merging drivers, fine.  If you think that will get you to your destination very much fast, fine.  If you want to slow down or move over, even better.  Yes, the merging drivers are responsible for getting up to the pace of traffic but that's difficult to do when you aren't regulating your speed for them to match.

In short, stop acting like an entitled jackass and let the other drivers in before you cause a damn accident and delay everyone for your selfishness.


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