Monday, February 8, 2016

Cam Newton's Post Game Press Conference

The Broncos vs Panthers game was an incredible game.  All we (Broncos fans) heard before the game was how we were going to get killed.  My only response to every person was "Defense wins championships."  Yesterday's game absolutely stood by that.  Our defense has been outstanding all season long and they killed it yesterday.  The best part of all of this was that our team, overall, behaved with dignity and respect for each other.  Peyton didn't stand on the stage and take all the credit or mock the other team.  Von Miller (the winner of the MVP award) didn't stand on the stage and mock the Panthers or try to hog the credit.  Our team played like a team and won like a team.

Then there's Cam Newton.

There are a whole lot of quarterbacks that, although I hate having to play them, I respect them as individuals.  I want to preface the following by saying that I know all of the work Cam does for kids and how he donates a lot of his time and such.  However, that, alone, does not a great quarterback make.  Here's my little nugget of opinion:

Cam Newton's behavior during games and press conferences has been nothing short of a showoff.  When he was winning, he did everything he could to draw attention to himself.  Everything we tell our kids not to do, he did.  He mocked the other team.  He took the credit.  He acted like he was above everything. That was during the regular and most of the post season.

Cam Newton's behavior went above and beyond being a poor sport over the two week's leading up to the Super Bowl and, more than that, in his post game press conference.  His "no one has ever seen anyone like me" summed up how he views things.  He made comments that would have been labeled racist by any other quarterback.  He defended those comments.  Then there's his post game press conference.  One word answers, and then basically a temper tantrum before running off.  It was absolutely unbelievable.  If I was a Panthers fan, I would have been embarrassed of his behavior.

Again, everything we teach our kids,  he did the opposite of. Do I understand he was disappointed?  Of course.  Do I understand that he hadn't expected that outcome?  Of course.  The fact is that we teach our kids to be humble losers, not sore losers.  He is paid a whole lot of money to do these press conferences and, unfortunately, not every single one can be a win.  His behavior was completely uncalled for and I am ashamed that he is considered the face of the NFL right now.  Absolutely ashamed.  My only hope is that he comes out, apologizes, completes a REAL press conference and shows all of these kids what he should have done to begin with.

To all of the true Panthers fans, you guys have nothing to be ashamed of.  You guys had an incredible season.  To all the bandwagon Panthers fans, be careful jumping off.  To all of the kids who had to watch their QB act a fool, please don't follow his example.  Be classy.  Be better than that.

Go Broncos #orangekrytonite

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