Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Denver Art Museum

I'd like to take a minute to give the Denver Art Museum some props.  I have a firm belief that the arts are an amazing way to expand children's minds.  I believe that children have a better learning experience and become more creative as they explore the arts.  We took a trip to Denver Art Museum yesterday and I was very impressed overall.  Not only was the artwork amazing but they have ample opportunities to let the kids explore.  Before you go, here are some things I think are helpful for parents taking their kids for the first time.

1.  Talk to your kids ahead of time about not touching the walls.  It's not just limited to the paintings themselves.  The kids aren't allowed to touch the walls in or around the paintings.  It's important to discuss with them that if they need to rest, instead of leaning, they can sit on the little sofas and sitting areas provided.

2.  Discuss appropriate volume in the museum.  It's frowned upon for them to be shouting loudly or even using loud voices.  Discuss that there are appropriate places to use a louder voice.

3.  Really explore all of the art stations.  They are on every floor of the museum and offer great opportunities to let them try out different mediums, explore the content of the floor in a kid friendly environment and use their creativity.

4.  Take a break.  There is a bridge between buildings.  Take a break and have a snack or drink.  Let the kids look at the scenery from the bridge and take a moment to be able to move around a bit more freely.

5.  If you have the time, explore the city around the museum.  Look at the sculptures around the building and just take it all in.  Denver has so much to offer.

6.  The Denver Art Museum is free for kids 18 and under every single day.  Take advantage of it.  It's always got amazing exhibits to look at.  The Samurai exhibit is coming there as of March 6, 2016.

Overall, I think that this was a great experience and recommend that everyone go at least once. 

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