Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Snow Day

Today was a snow day in Colorado.  Normally, even on these days, I am able to make it to work but today was a different story.  Unplowed roads + 8 inches of snow + No 4WD = snowed in....well, so to speak.  The main roads weren't bad but the roads by my house are a hot mess.  I decided that this was a great opportunity to share how a typical unexpected snow day goes....

1.  Wake up late because you don't have to get up for school
2.  Look at clock and realize Mom didn't wake you up early
3.  Stay in pajamas until 11:00
4.  Drive Mom to the brink of insanity until she tells you to go outside
5.  Fuss as you put on your snow clothes
6.  Go outside for exactly 5 and a half minutes
7.  Come back in and tell Mom that you're cold and need hot chocolate
8.  Traipse onto the carpet until Mom develops a tick because you're getting the carpet wet
9.  Take off wet snow clothes and throw all over the floor
10.  Go to kitchen and fix hot cocoa leaving not only the packets all over but the messy chocolate mug
11.  Clean up wet snow clothes begrudgingly
12.  Clean up mess in kitchen while Mom stands over you ready to crack
13.  Act a'fool until Mom demands you go back outside.
14.  Start from step 6 and repeat as needed.

Happy Snow Day Denver!

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