Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Phrases Frequently Said by Teen Boy Parents

Yesterday, I was discussing with someone the phrases you say with teenage sons in your home.  Most of these phrases are used on a daily basis and are phrases that you never thought you'd have to say before you had kids.  Here are some of my favorites.....

"Are those clean underwear?"

"What IS that smell?"

"Okay who peed on the seat again?"

"Why is this all sticky?"

"Who farted?"

"Did you put deodorant on?"

"No seriously, you stink?  Did you put deodorant on."

"Okay go put deodorant on again...or better yet change your shirt."

"Did you brush your teeth?  Let me smell your breath."

"The sofa is not a bean bag chair.  Stop plopping onto it.  You'll break the springs."

"So you brought the homework home, completed the homework but you didn't turn it in?"

"No you CANNOT go outside when it's 31 degrees in shorts."

"Put your coat on....seriously, it's only 24 degrees."

"How did you get holes in your socks already? You just took them out of the package."

Get used to repeating yourself early and often and prepare yourself for the ride of your life.  Teenage boys are a roller coaster but they're awesome.

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