Monday, February 29, 2016

Waking the Teenage Beast

1.  Quietly sneak up and whisper to the teenager.  It's sort of similar to approaching a deer in the wild.  Very quiet.  Observe before continuing.

2.  "Cheese touch" the teenager's arm to gently jostle.  If you're unfamiliar, the "cheese touch" is a quick, matter of fact pat on the arm in which you jerk your arm back afterward to avoid being swatted.

3.  If said teenager still doesn't move, jostle again in the same manner, adding a slightly louder whisper.

4.  If teenager groans, you're making progress.  This time, tap them lightly.

5.  Now dodge their arm as you jostle them a bit harder this time.

6.  Block out the sound of the groans as you give on last verbal request.

7.  As a last result, spray with water bottle and run.

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