Thursday, February 25, 2016



It's two letters but those two letters creep right under my skin and make me nuts.  Every generation has their words that they use in a trendy way.  Most come from movies, songs lyrics or out of some celebrity's mouths and social media just makes it more accessible.  For a great deal of parents, hearing these words makes you cringe like nails on a chalkboard.  It seems to start younger and younger anymore and the parents that think it's adorable that little Johnny used the f-word in kindergarten aren't helping the situation.  "Awwww isn't it adorable that she dressed like a character from OITNB?"  No, not it's not.  Let's be realistic, I love "Orange is the New Black" but it's not a show for five year olds.  It's just not.  But I digress.  Here are some of the words I hear kids use that make me develop a tick of epic proportions.....

"Kk" It's a response when someone makes a request of you.  It's kind of like "Ok" texted from an illiterate monkey whose fingers are too big for the touchpad on the phone.  "Ok" is a shortened version of "okay."  It takes no more time to type than this lazy man's response and makes me feel like common core hasn't completely destroyed their brains. (Haha)

"Bae".  This one is even worse.  This word will seriously make my blood boil.  I loathe this word like a kid loathes eating creamed spinach.  On a side note, "bae" means "poop" in Danish so every time you call your loved one this, your calling them "shit."

"Sup"  This is another one that grinds my gears.  Look, I don't mind if you text your friends with it.  I really don't.  However, if you want me to answer a question, don't text me with this phrase.  I don't speak hoodrat.

So how have I been handling my kids using these words?  Oh it's simple.  I answer back with phrases from my day (even if they aren't completely fitting to the situation) and puzzle the crap out of them.  So they text me "Kk" and I text them back "Word to your mutha."  The same concept works for the trendy songs I'm God-awful sick of.  They play "Whip Nae Nae" and I make them don their neon and dance to Bananarama singing "Venus."  Two can play at that game.

Ironically, I know that this is completely normal for kids.  However, I want them to know that there is a very clear difference in how you speak to an adult and a kid.  I love you and you can talk to me about everything BUT I'm not your best friend.  I'm your mom.  Why can you talk to me then?  Because 9/10 times, I can help you resolve whatever's going on much more effectively anyway.  Just don't start the conversation with "Sup".....ever.  Kk?

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