Monday, February 8, 2016

Watching Football is Not Unpatriotic

Okay tiny rant this morning.  I am the first one to read political posts from both sides.  I have very strong opinions about the state of this country and about who I like and don't like as political candidates.  I read it.  I comment on it.  I take it all in.

Yesterday there was a meme going around basically saying that people that get excited about football are blowing off the state of our country.  Somehow if we get excited about the Super Bowl, we are not good Americans and we are too obsessed to care.  This is just simply not true.

Are dedicated football fans excited over the Super Bowl?  Yes.  Do we spend our Sundays all football season glued to the TV?  Yes.  Do we talk about it and play fantasy football?  Yes.  Does that mean that we are not aware of, focused on and in tune with what is going on during the game?  Absolutely not. 

Of course I wish people would get as excited over politics as they do over the Super Bowl.  Of course I do.  Here's the thing: we haven't given them a whole lot to be excited about right now.  We have given them a whole lot of bullshit candidates who are the same ol same ol for this country.  America is feeling defeated.  America is feeling like there's nothing they can do.

If you want people to get excited about politics, give them something to get excited about.  Give them hope.  Give them specifics on how you're going to fix the state of this country.  Don't make empty promises. Don't promise everything for free (not telling them that their taxes will ultimately pay for it anyway).  Don't give them the same speeches they've been hearing for decades.  Give it to them straight.  How are you going to fix things?

Fans watch the NFL because it gives them something to get excited about.  Don't judge people for getting excited about football.  Use the reasoning behind why they get excited to think of ways to get them involved in this country.  NFL fans aren't automatically unpatriotic.  In fact, some of us are the most patriotic on the planet. 

If you want the same turnouts as the Superbowl at political rallies, how about you give them someone to cheer for?  In the meantime, stop being a judgmental ass.

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