Friday, February 19, 2016

Oversensitive Ninnies

I just saw a blog post (yesterday) about how we should be careful with our "Dear Mom who..." posts.  I read another that talks about being a touchy feely mom that only says nice things.  Here's what I agree on:  Yes, we SHOULD be kind and encouraging to each other as much as possible.  We are all in this together and maybe if we had a hair more compassion for each other, we would all be better off.  Yes, we SHOULD remember that everyone we meet is fighting their own battle.  Yes we SHOULD be careful with our words. 

Now here's the caveat....

There's also a whole lot of people that need to pull the stick out of their ass and remember that it's okay to have a sense of humor.  It's okay to be frustrated and to vent.  It's okay to have an opinion that is not the same as everyone else.   Should you try your best to exercise tact?  Of course you should.  Should you try to be non-specific regarding names, etc? Of course.  That doesn't mean that you should post your blog post and let your freak flag shine.  Not everyone will appreciate your sense of humor and that's okay.  Not everyone will want to read it and that's okay, too.  The fact is that we have a country of oversensitive la-la's that seem to believe that everyone should cater to their feelings all the time.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you don't like something, scroll past.  You have the ability to not look! Instead of getting "offended" by everything and expecting the entire world to change because of the "injustice" of you having to look at something you don't like, why don't YOU change and walk away!?! Well what if it hurts my feelings?  Well that stinks but I'll bet you'll survive.  We have a whole country of people that believe that if they don't want to look at something or if it's not in their belief system, we need to start a movement and change it.  It ranges from big issues like breast feeding to small issues like baggy pants.  Look, I'm all for breast feeding in public and I think that people that have an issue with it should go pack sand.  I support the breast feeders right to feed their child.  On the other side of that, I support the right of the people that don't like it to voice their opinion about it.  Do I agree with them?  Absolutely not.  Do they have just as much a right to say how they feel?  Yup.  It's the same with virtually every other issue.  You can say something you like or don't like and it doesn't require anyone around you to conform.  If they don't like what you're saying, they are free to stop listening or walk away.

Maybe the issue is not these "Dear Mom who..." posts.  Maybe the issue is a nation full of people who are more concerned with whether or not they're offended by a "dear mom" post than what's going on in our government.  Perhaps, just perhaps, if people focused less on expecting everyone else to change just because they have their panties in a ruffle over something, we could get along a bit better, understanding that the world is a diverse place and there are bigger fish to fry than whether or not someone agrees with you on a Facebook post.  You wanna change the world?  Great.  Change it by DOING something, not whining.  Stop trying to change everyone else and just be the best YOU possible.  You'll change more by being kind and compassionate in your own life than on making someone else's humorous/venting post into your personal vendetta.

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