Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Cam's "Real Reason"

Okay I promise last football post for a few days (I really don't promise but I'll try).  ESPN is now sucking the teet, once again, of Cam Newton blaming the fact that Chris Harris's interview could be loudly heard from where Cam was sitting.  Supposedly THAT is why he left the stage.  I want to preface by saying the following: Cam had an incredible season.  He made use of that incredible season by excessively celebrating every single win, dabbing and acting all kinds of exciteable.  That's awesome.  He taunted all the way up to the game saying, "If you don't want me to dab, do something about it."  I am NOT downplaying his character because he does a lot of charity work and I'm sure he's got a huge heart.   Now on to the real subject....

Regardless of his huge heart, Cam handled that press conference like a spoiled child.  He taunted the Broncos players (and, yes, I know they were all taunting each other before the game).  They answered with incredible defense.  Was he disappointed?  Of course.  Like every other losing QB before him.  Is it kind of sucky that he could hear Chris Harris being interviewed, wicked excited, behind him?  Yes, the placement is unfortunate.  Does it give him an excuse to walk out?  No, no it doesn't.  He acted like a poor sport.  He wasn't being asked any questions that other QBs were asked when they lost.  He wasn't dealing with anything that other QBs didn't deal with except he could hear the other teams interview.  Poor baby.  Sorry, not sorry.  He was a poor sport.  You can't dab and make a scene when you win and then turn around and get butt hurt later on.

As for the comparison to Manning walking off the field without congratulating Brees in 2010, he was in extreme pain and LATER CALLED BREES PERSONALLY AND APOLOGIZED.  I'll say that again.  He didn't defend his actions.  He called Brees who calls him a "class act" and did, even after the incident.  Let's ask many of those at the Superbowl from fans to other players if Cam behaved like a "class act" at any point during the game.  Yes, he did walk up and congratulate Peyton.  I'll give him that.  Then he stormed off out of a press conference.  Sportsmanship is defined by being gracious whether winning or losing.  He was far from gracious.

And finally, in the commenting that it is a racially charged incident, you're out of your damn mind.  People would behave the same way toward a QB that dabbed and acted a fool all season when he won and then turned around and threw a tantrum when he lost, regardless of race.  The NFL did not rig the game.  They can't rig fumbles.  They can't rig all of the nonsense stuff that happened when the Panthers were just shocked by the Broncos defense.  The refs were not calling the game unfairly.  People are full of excuses for a man that did not act with any sort of respect for the league in which he plays.  Cam has a lot to be proud of but this conference was not one of those things. Period.

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