Monday, February 29, 2016

Mom Boobs

I keep reading all these articles on how to get back your body after a baby.  It's adorable to see how these model and celebrity moms (with their personal trainers) push themselves to the brink to get back the perfect body and, for them, it's necessary.  Quite honestly, their bodies are a good portion of how they get jobs in Hollywood so I get it.  After you've had 2, 3 or 4 babies, though, your body will almost certain change.  So instead of a post on how to get your body back, I'm going to give you some tips on what to expect on how to love it anyway.

Mom Boobs  If you've breastfed one, you might still get the benefit of perky pretty boobs.  Once you've had two, they're just sad.  They can vary in size but they're all sad.  Realistically, you're going to have Mom boobs.  They'll be saggy and have stretch marks but they'll be fantastic no matter what.  Get a good bra and do some chest exercises and they'll be as good as new....okay not as good as new but as good as Mom boobs can be.  Love em the way they are and remember that they would have sagged with age anyway.

Tiger Stripes  I love the concept that they keep calling stretch marks "tiger stripes".  Let me tell you something: 70% of women do not view them that way.  Some are blessed with nearly white stretch marks and others are dark red. Some only get them in certain spots and others end up with them on their legs, butt, stomach, breasts and anywhere else you can fathom.  Here's the deal though....they're stretch marks.  They're not the end of the world.   Be thankful you are able to have a baby and love them regardless.

Undereye circles Even if you're blessed with an incredible sleeper, you're still going to have to deal with undereye circles.  They're the true mark of a mama.  Throw on some concealer and occasionally cool cucumbers or a cool rag.

Mom Tummy  Even if you get back most of your flat tummy, Mom tummy will always be ready to make its appearance when you least expect it.  Appreciate it, love it and be thankful for your curves.  They're gorgeous the way they are.

Instead of torturing yourself trying to look perfect, embrace your body and work towards being a healthy mama.  You're kicking ass, girl!

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