Friday, February 5, 2016

What to Expect with a Teenage Boy

1.  Dirty socks.....everywhere.  As far as I can tell, this doesn't ever really change.  They hate socks and they will take them off just about anywhere.  The hard part is that once they remove the socks, they lose their ability to walk and, thus, can't put them in the hamper.

2.  Flatulence.  In case you're unaware that's a nice word for a "fart."  Expect these early and often.  Expect them to be AWFUL!

3.  Wrestling and Horseplay. seriously constantly.

4.  Lack of common sense.  The way I phrased it, "It's like he set his brain down before summer break and never picked it back up."   The rush of testosterone overtakes them and their ability to use basic common sense goes right down the poop shoot.

5.  Burping contests.  This sort of goes hand in hand with farts.  When they and their friends get together, it sounds like the bubble room scene in the original Willy Wonka movie.

6.  Smart mouth.  I know.  It stinks.  You get past the tantrums and the "no" phase of toddlerhood and you think you're done.  Not....even......close

7.  The appetite of an elephant.  Seriously, these kids can put it away. 

8.  Smelly, smelly feet.  I don't know how it happens but I'm assuming the additional sweat and hormones.  Realistically it's not just feet. 

9.  Turning a blind eye.  Masturbation starts young and you sometimes just have to turn a blind eye to it.  Don't embarrass them.

10.  Unpredicability.  Man alive, they surprise you constantly.  It's crazy.  Sometimes it's good and sometimes it makes your eyeballs bleed, but they never fail to surprise you.

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