Monday, February 15, 2016

Happy President's Day

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

This is a quote from President Abraham Lincoln.  One of many, many quotes from a man that did so much for our country.    Not only is this quote one that inspires and makes you think, but he was one that helped free slaves.

Now let's consider quotes from our current President....hearing crickets yet?

I have to wonder where our hope to inspire has gone.  So many of the Presidents of the past were wonderful because they had such strong character. They inspired others to have great character, as well.  They were strong.  They were powerful but they cared about this country as a whole, not for themselves and their legacy.  Instead of being concerned with their own agenda, they took into account what the whole of the American people wanted.  Let's not forget that we fought the Revolutionary War to get freedom from tyranny.  Tyranny that seems to be presenting itself more and more in our current state of our country.

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
I'll leave this post on that note.  Giving up your freedoms is a slippery slope.  Giving the government more control doesn't seem like a big problem at first.  It's just ONE little thing after all. Guess what, though: one little thing turns into ten, then a hundred, then a thousand.  Our Constitution was written to represent a country of many freedoms.  Over the years, it has been amended in the correct way, a way that represents our country's true heart.  It was not done by executive order or anything else that takes away our freedom.
Just bear that in mind.  I don't tell people what to think but tell them TO think....think about what you'd really like from our country and the long term effects of what you vote for now.
Happy President's Day.

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